Riediker 2004 - "Particulate Matter Exposure in Cars is Associated with Cardiovascular Effects in Healthy Young Men"

Riediker, Michael; Cascio, Wayne; et al.
"Particulate Matter Exposure in Cars is Associated with Cardiovascular Effects in Healthy Young Men"
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine
April 15, 2004; v.168, n.8; pp.934-940
On the Web
Relevance: medium-low

Part of a larger research project measuring air quality in cars, the authors measured the effects of exposure to PM2.5 on the cardiovascular functions of nine young, healthy patrol officers in North Carolina. They concluded that in-vehicle PM2.5 negatively affected inflammation, coagulation, and cardiac rhythm in slight but significant amounts. However, they also measured PM2.5 concentrations to be lower in the vehicles than on the side of the road or at the ambient location.

This study suggests to me that even a small amount of PM2.5 from vehicles is bad.


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