Adams 2001 - "Determinants of Fine Particle (PM2.5) Personal Exposure Levels in Transport Microenvironments, London, UK"
Adams, HS; Nieuwenhuijsen, MJ; Colvile, RN
"Determinants of Fine Particle (PM2.5) Personal Exposure Levels in Transport Microenvironments, London, UK"
Atmospheric Environment
September 2001 v.35, n.27; pp.4557-4566
On the Web
Relevance: medium-low
The authors measured concentrations of fine PM on fixed routes using different modes (car, bus, bicycle) in London. They found that route was a significant factor, explaining 20% of the variation, but mode was not. Wind speed explained 18% of the variation. "Personal exposure levels were reasonable correlated with urban background FSM [fixed site monitor] concentrations."