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March 15, 2006

Tides of March

Madrona_1Puget Sound restoration efforts got a big boost yesterday. The Nature Conservancy, The Trust for Public Lands, and People for Puget Sound formed a new alliance with funding from the Russell Family Foundation. Here's how the Seattle P-I describes the coalition:

Their goal is to raise $80 million in public and private funds in the first three years of the project, during which time their focus will be on shoreline restoration work and establishing 10 new parks and protected natural areas around the Sound. They also will develop a decadelong plan expected to cost billions aimed at a recovery of the Sound on the magnitude of projects to save Chesapeake Bay and Florida's Everglades.

The ecological problems facing Puget Sound are troublesome and complex--see, for example, this, this, this, and this--but we're now seeing precisely the kind of serious-minded efforts that can turn things around. And in addition to this new coalition, Washington residents are already fortunate to have the state's Puget Sound Action Team and Shared Strategy for Puget Sound. It's encouraging to see conservation and restoration work that's broadly appealing and well-organized. With this kind of intelligent and careful stewardship, Puget Sound can be restored to a flourishing marine ecosystem--a reminder that the region's natural heritage can thrive alongside many more generations of northwesterners.

Check out more coverage in the Seattle Times and the Tacoma News-Tribune.

Posted by Eric de Place | Permalink


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We have a property adjacent to one of the targeted new park areas. The initial planning is considering an extensive campground and multiple park buildings and has virtually no preservation as part of the plan. This larger project is getting a lot of press and has much good to be said about it. However, I wish it was not creating high use parks in the name of preservation. Washington State was trying to shut down so many parks a couple of years ago that the last thing we need is more parks that they cannot maintain or police properly. I really hope this project either goes towards the way of more preservation or just goes away.

I do not think I am being NIMBY on this project. We have willed our property out there to the Nature Conservancy and would like to see nothing more than the area preserved and studied. I just do not want to see the area developed for what amounts to be public parties in the name of preservation.

Posted by: Ethan Meginnes | Mar 17, 2006 3:02:16 PM