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January 09, 2006
Bumper to Bumper Jumper
A few years ago, Seattle was widely known as one of the most congested cities in the country. Annual rankings by the Texas Transportation Institute placed the metro area's traffic as one of the nation's 5 worst -- and in some years greater Seattle was ranked among the worst 3, along with places like LA and San Francisco.
Then, a couple years ago the TTI changed its method of estimating congestion, largely to give credit to cities that are using congestion reduction strategies (metered on-ramps, quick clearing of accidents, transit service, etc.). After the change in methodology Seattle's congestion plummeted in the national rankings. In last year's report, Seattle ranked twentieth in congestion delay per traveller, about what you'd expect for a city of Seattle's size. Generally, more populous cities have worse traffic, so Seattle's congestion, rather than being among the nation's worst, now seems to be about on par with expectations.
By comparison, Portland, OR ranks 26th in congestion delay per capita among US cities, while Charlotte, NC -- ranked as a "mid-sized city" rather than a "large city" like Portland and Seattle -- came in at 22nd place. That's slightly worse than Portland, though in fairness the two are probably in a statistical dead heat. That said, it's telling that Charlotte, despite a smaller population, was ranked as having worse congestion than Portland. We happened to cover Charlotte in our sprawl report covering 15 select US cities a few years back. Of the cities we studied, Charlotte was easily the most sprawling -- its average density is lowest, and it consumed more land to accomodate new residents than any other city in the study. So if someone claims that low-density development can ease traffic congestion, tell them about Charlotte.
Of course, I think that the congestion rankings should be viewed with some skepticism; as Seattle's plummet shows, congestion rankings may have more to do with theoretical models than with reality.
Still it seems worth noting that Portland (a city with a justified national reputation for controlling low-density sprawl) seems to have about the same level of congestion as Charlotte (which is at the opposite end of the sprawl spectrum). Which leads me to think that "sprawl" and "congestion" are two largely unrelated phenomena -- and that traffic congestion may be far more strongly affected by idiosyncracies in a city's transportation system than by population density per se.
Posted by ClarkWD | Permalink
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I'd argue that a big source of PDX's sprawl comes from the ongoing construction. Trying to get into city on sunset highway (26) is near impossible. When I lived in Forest Grove (~30 minutes west), I would leave my car at a park and ride (Sunset/BeavertonTC or 185th) and take the max in. Less congestion and no worries about parking.
Posted by: Leah | Jan 9, 2006 7:18:17 PM
I think there is a connection between sprawl and congestion. the example given of Charlotte (37th largest MSA yet 22nd in congestion) vs Portland (25th largest MSA and 26th in congestion) appears to show that denser, well planned communities have less congestion relative to population than smaller, but more sprawling communities. Of course, a sample of two is not very reliable, Clark, and making conclusions based on it isn't very defensible.
A better measure may be the Vehicle miles traveled per capita (VMT). Data shows that VMT is growing in almost every city similar to Portland in population and growth rate. Portland's average VMT plateaued in the mid 1990s and has declined since. If I remember right, it is currently around 20 miles per day per household. Compare with 32 for Atlanta. In fact, the Surface Transportation Policy Project's Driven to Spend report showed Portland area households spending about 20% less on transportation than the rest of the country (15% vs 19.1% of household income). Metro's economist figures that this adds up to about $1.8Billion saved per year.
Jobs close to housing, robust transportation choices, mixed use, compact communities, mix of housing in every community... equal less congestion, more money in your pocket. I would call that success.
Posted by: rex Burkholder | Jan 12, 2006 8:52:55 PM